Keep Your Writing Focused Using Minimal Mode

Ulysses has always been about focus on writing – nothing should distract you from your creative flow. You can hide sidebars or panels you don’t need and the Fullscreen mode provides an almost Zen-like writing environment. With Ulysses for Mac 2.2, you can now use this environment in windowed mode as well.

We call it Minimal Mode: As soon as you start typing (or scrolling) in the editor, the window toolbar fades out. If you’ve already switched to editor-only mode, the window only contains your text, nothing else.

If you need the toolbar again, simply move the mouse pointer to the top of the window. The toolbar also reappears if you’re using keyboard shortcuts to open any of its buttons (e.g. Quick Export or Statistics).

In case you’re using the toolbar frequently you may feel more comfortable when it is kept visible. No problem: Simply open the View menu and select “Always Show Toolbar”.

By the way: In Fullscreen mode, the toolbar is hidden by default, but you can use this very menu item to always show the toolbar. Just note that these options are separate for Fullscreen and windowed mode, so you can set up each environment exactly as you want.